The one piece of equipment I won’t ride without

julianne 0

Everyone has an opinion on this subject. I’m talking about whether or not to wear a helmet. I might not be able to persuade anti-helmet riders to buckle-up but I can, at the minimum, give my testimony.

I’ve ridden horses nearly all my life and through my youth, I never wore a helmet. I’ve been bucked off. I’ve fallen off. I’ve even had a tree branch take me right off the back of a horse. In all that time I never once hit my head. Besides, helmets were not cool!

In my teens, the campaign to wear a helmet while riding your bike was in full swing. And now we buy cars with 6 or more airbags and other high-tech safety features. But, as far as I can tell, the horse hasn’t been upgraded at all. It can still do unexpected things. Yet many of us ride without helmets.

Let’s go back to my story and my late twenties. We had purchased a thoroughbred mare named Twin Peaks from a breeding farm. She was a smaller build due to being a twin. Twin Peaks was kind and gentle and a great addition to our breeding program. I don’t know what I was thinking that day. But I decided to start training her. I didn’t know how much training she had so I started with the saddle pad, then the saddle, then the bridle. She took it all as if she’d done it before. Cool, I thought, she’s broke. For some reason that day I did wear a helmet. If I hadn’t made that decision, I would certainly not be here writing this story.

One time around the round pen. That is how far I made it before all heck broke out. I do remember going head over heels. But from there it gets a little spotty. The story goes that my husband had to drag me out of the arena and then ran to call 911. All the way to the hospital the conversation went like this.

Me, “What happened?”

My husband, “You got bucked off.”

Me, “Who was I riding?”

My husband, “Twin Peaks.”

Me, “Why was I riding her?”

My husband, “Good question.”


Me, “What Happened?”

And that’s how it went the full 30 minute ride to the hospital.

I was also retching for 5 hours. Right after arriving home from the hospital, I threw up again and then headed for my bed. My husband met me at the door and asked if I was still sick. After I asked why he held up a bottle and proceeded to tell me if I didn’t stop throwing up he would need to give me what was in the bottle and it didn’t enter the body through the mouth.

I will say that was the last time I threw up! Mind over body.

It’s now 20 years after that incident and I never miss putting on that helmet. I also have not hit my head again! One accident in over 40 years of riding. Just one. But that one would have been a game-changer if I had not made that simple decision. It’s an insurance policy I won’t let laps.

How valuable is your brain?

Broken bones mend. Bruises fade. But brain damage can be permanent. Don’t skimp on safety. If you want to be comfortable and safe, don’t cheap out on your helmet. Do some research and find something in a price range you can manage that has proven it will protect you. The helmet I wore that day was the lower end of quality and ill-fitting. Maybe if I was wearing something better, I would not have missed 3 weeks of work and months of issues with memory problems and headaches.

Helmets don’t need to be uncomfortable! I have more than once caught myself after riding wearing my helmet around the ranch. It can be a little embarrassing. I’ve also jumped on my horse thinking my helmet is on because my baseball cap is on. My daughter will be quick to point it out. I write this to make a point that helmets should be comfortable and easy to wear.

Helmets come with style these days

There are some great options out there that really are nice looking and sometimes a little crazy. I once met a long-distance rider at the trailhead decked out in purple. Even her helmet was purple and had a row of spikes right down the middle. My daughter is into rose gold and has a nice black helmet with rose gold accents. I like my casual look and have a helmet that goes well with jeans and a button-up shirt or tank top. The Troxel is a lower-priced helmet with a ton of design options.

Do you have a testimony to share about wearing a helmet? I would love to hear it!


I probably came into this world loving horses. I've owned horses for over 30 years and am a professional farrier. I started this blog to share my love for horses and the knowledge I've learned over the years.